Monday, November 20, 2006

Textile workshops / design

Posted by CRT on behalf of our readers

"I will be visiting India sometime in December and am interested in planning visits to some of the textile oriented workshops. I would like to investigate the possibilities of putting my own fashion designs into production there, but using traditional textiles and fair trade labor practices. I have tried contacting individual NGO's but without much luck. Can you suggest someone who might be willing to speak with me about the best way to approach my upcoming trip?"

1 comment:

Studio Smriti said...

I have been associated closely with the craft sector of india for the last four years. I have travellled the country and worked with the craft sectors from ariund the country.
Also I have been conductionw rokshops for UNIDO on importance of design. I am running a small studio which facilitates buyers like you who want to do work out of india. You can contact me at